Encouraging the Conservation of Cultivated Plants
Many garden plants are at risk of disappearing from commercial outlets that tend to stock plants marketed and grown by the big horticultural companies; often these are plants that transport easily, have instant appeal to busy shoppers, and are driven by fashion. This can reduce the range of plants readily available.
We aim to conserve the widest possible range of cultivated plants including heritage varieties and plants that may be difficult to propagate or slow to grow. Not only does this save from extinction interesting plants for everyone to grow in their gardens, but helps preserve a gene pool that might otherwise be lost.
How do we do this?
• National Plant Exchange
• Representation on consultations on legislation that threatens plant diversity
Devon Group activities
Membership of the Plant Heritage Devon Group opens up a world of plant-related events throughout the year. The Devon Group organises a wide range of activities for members including garden visits and talks, and runs a large number of plant fairs through the year.