Devon Group News
This is a News blog, containing articles that relate to the activities of the Devon Group, of Plant Heritage in general, and anything else that may be of interest to our members.
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The Plant Heritage Tavistock Spring Plant Fair on March 19th was buzzing with people looking for lovely plants to buy.
Devon's National Collection Holders' Day 2017
Written by Miss Caroline Stone
The annual meeting in Devon for our local National Collection Holders was held at Lukesland Gardens, near Ivybridge.
2016 AGM
Written by Mr Malcolm Pharoah
Our President, Chris Bailes, welcomed nearly 100 members to the AGM held this year on Saturday 26th November at Longdown Village Hall which proved a popular venue with its spacious hall and good car parking.
The Association of Japanese Botanic Gardens Visit Devon
Written by Miss Caroline StoneArrangements took about a year but in early July, 2015, Devon played host to a very distinguished contingency of visitors from Japan including University Professors, a senior person from a Government Ministry, a former head of NHK (the equivalent to the BBC) publications and many representatives of major gardens and plant groups.
Our President, Chris Bailes, welcomed 90 members to the AGM held this year again at Longdown Village Hall.
Devon Group had a stand in the Plant Heritage marquee at the Hampton Court show. The team (see below) put on a fine floral display depicting example plants representative of about half of Devon’s plant collections.
Silver for the Devon Group stand at Axe Vale Festival
Written by Miss Caroline StoneThe Devon Group stand in the Floral Marquee at the Axe Vale Festival won a Silver Medal!
My poor photographs do not do justice to the seductive irises to be seen at Rowden Gardens, home of the National Collection of Water Iris.
Congratulations to Chris and Lorraine Birchall of Tale Valley Nursery who have won their second Gold Medal at Chelsea.
2014 Plant Fairs off to a busy start at Tavistock
Written by Miss Caroline StoneA busy start to the Plant Fairs at Tavistock.
Rattery Village Hall was a hive of activity from 9:00am when the 12-strong committee members, plus a few extra volunteers and their muscles, started the task of transforming the place for the ever popular annual Winter Lunch.