The stand carried plant material from a number of National Collections. Bucket loads of astilbe had been kindly sent from Marwood Hill Garden. RHS Rosemoor had let us have three very contrasting varieties of Ilex: Ilex aquifolium 'Madame Briot', Ilex x 'Ampfield Queen', and the small leaved Japanese Ilex crenata' Shiro-Fukurin'.
They had also let us have the most wonderful branches of a flowering Cornus, 'Norman Haddon'. Sadly that didn't like the heat of the marquee and had to be taken off the display as it started to wilt despite copious quantities of water.
Howard Wills lent us some super specimens of his Sempervivum: there were many comments from visitors to his stand about the three contrasting varieties grown in a brick!
Outside the Marquee Gary Buckingham and Paul Nevis of Millwood Plants won the Chairman's Cup for best nursery stand.
On the Saturday evening Eric Reynolds, Devon Group Treasurer received the Award and our £200 prize money from the Show president, Mary Benger. As you can see in the photograph he obeyed orders and wore a NCCPG apron for the presentation ceremony. No opportunity lost to publicize Plant Heritage!
Our thanks especially to Jonathan Webster of RHS Rosemoor, Malcolm Pharoah of Marwood Hill Garden, Dick and Lorna Fulcher, Chris and Lorraine Birchall of Tale Valley Nursery and Howard Wills for so generously helping us with plant material for the display. Congratulations to everyone who helped with the set-up of the stand, and thanks to everyone who gave up their time whether to help with the set-up, or to man the display or who gave plants for sale. You all contributed to the success, and helped make it a fun weekend. Thank you!